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Hypoallergenic Sleep Hygiene

Mattress Sanitisation

Without doubt, the most understated and overlooked component of a home cleaning service is the cleanliness of your bedroom mattress despite the fact that we spend at least 1/3 of our lives on it, or 8 hours every single night (if we’re lucky). It's not surprising as to why the thought comes up often enough – "I can throw the bedsheets into the washing machine, but how do I clean a mattress?" The vacuum won't cut it, and with a huge amount of time spent on your bed, a lot of not so nice things will call your mattress home; such as fungal spores, mould, dust mites, bacteria and bed bugs amongst others, especially so if it's been years of use without a clean.


We clean our clothes, dishes, bedsheets without second thought (as we should!), however a mattress cleaning service is the one forgotten piece in a quality house cleaning routine to begin addressing health issues, sleep hygiene and mattress-borne symptoms like non-seasonal allergies, bed bug reactions and poor/rough sleep. See below for more information and bookings.

Why and How?

A lot of people ask, can you kill dust mites in a mattress? Mattress sanitisation will do precisely this. The effective standard for mattress cleaning is using a steam sanitiser with decent pressure to heat ratio. An 8-Bar commercial unit provides 180 Degrees of instantly evaporative steam (dry heat) that kills 99.99% of nasties, refreshes your mattress and sanitises your place of rest.


It will kill mould, bed bugs, dust mites and any other yuck trespassers causing your rash, your bad sleep or general allergies. A solution with no perfumes, no chemicals, no "low-tox" green-washing that isn't ever really low-tox. This is a zero chemical, zero toxins, and no UVC radiation service, just clean water applied as (very hot!) dry heat to thoroughly sanitise the space. Your health matters.

Need to book?

Dustpan & Brush offers this entirely eco-friendly mattress sanitisation service in Melbourne as an addition to your cleaning service, to read even more about allergy prevention, management and the details of mattress sanitisation click here. We also offer this service to sanitise other home fabrics such as couches, carpets, sofas - click here for more detail on furniture sanitisation.


Otherwise, click below to enquire and add a mattress clean to your trustworthy house cleaning service today!

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